Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 3

100 videos, 6 hours and 37 minutes

Course Content

Types of radio

Video 38 of 100
2 min 44 sec
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Types of Radios and Handsets in Emergency Situations

Overview of Radio Types

Understanding the range and systems of radios used in emergencies:

  • Short Range Radios: Radios suitable for close proximity communications.
  • Medium Range Radios: Radios that provide broader coverage beyond short ranges.
  • Selma System Radios: Specialized systems designed for specific emergency protocols.

Types of Handsets

Exploring the various types of radio handsets available:

  • Market Varieties: Overview of different handsets currently available in the market.
  • Functional Familiarity: Importance of knowing how to operate and utilize available handsets.
  • Usage in Incidents: Ensuring readiness with handsets accessible during emergency scenarios.