Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 3

100 videos, 6 hours and 37 minutes

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Ambulance control and a major incident

Video 6 of 100
4 min 30 sec
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Managing Quarry Incidents: Emergency Response Procedures

Overview of the Incident

We are currently at a quarry where a demonstration involving equipment has resulted in a landslide, causing **multiple injuries** and trapping machinery and individuals. The incident involves **language barriers** due to people from different countries being affected.

Emergency Response Coordination

Let's discuss the sequence of actions emergency services would take to classify and respond to this as a major incident.

Initial Response and Communication

The first responder or site personnel facing the situation will likely be under stress. **Effective communication** to gather crucial information promptly is key. Emergency call handlers are trained to calm callers and extract essential details such as number of casualties, nature of injuries, and precise location despite potential communication challenges.

Escalation to Major Incident

Upon receiving information indicating a significant number of casualties, the ambulance control room escalates the incident to **major incident status** or standby. This decision hinges on accurate casualty numbers and location information, critical for allocating resources effectively.

Onsite Management and Control

As resources arrive at the scene, an **incident commander** assumes control onsite. Information flows back to the control room through the commander, guiding resource deployment and ongoing response updates.

Transition to Major Incident Declaration

If the incident commander on site confirms the need for heightened response measures, the incident status is officially declared as **major**. Conversely, if on-site assessment suggests a lesser response, the standby status may be maintained.

Clear protocols ensure coordinated emergency response and management.