Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 3

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Triage Methods and Algorithms in Emergency Situations

Overview of Triage Systems

There are two primary forms of triage used in emergency situations:

  • Triage Sieve: A primary triage system
  • Triage SALT: A secondary triage system

Implementing Primary Triage

At the scene of an incident, initial triage is typically conducted using the Triage Sieve method until casualties can be moved to a casualty-clearing point or station.

Standardized Algorithm

There exists a standardized algorithm for primary triage, which may need to be adapted based on specific circumstances:

  • Casualty Assessment Criteria:
    • Are casualties able to walk? If yes, they are priority three.
    • Is there catastrophic haemorrhage (pumping or splurting blood)? If so, apply a tourniquet; casualty becomes priority one (P1).
    • Is the casualty breathing?
    • If not breathing and in a major incident scenario, they are considered deceased.
    • If breathing but unconscious, move to recovery position; becomes P1.
    • Assess respiratory rate (below 10 or above 30 is abnormal, P1).
    • Assess pulse rate (over 120 is abnormal, P1).

Utilizing the Triage Algorithm

The triage algorithm is a national standard for all ambulance services in the UK, ensuring a systematic approach:

  • Follow the algorithm step-by-step to determine casualty priority.
  • Each casualty should ideally be assessed within 90 seconds during primary triage, including essential interventions like tourniquet application.

Challenges in Triage

Challenges may arise when casualties are entrapped or inaccessible:

  • If unable to access casualties, alternative methods such as thermal imaging from fire services may be used to confirm casualties.
  • Adapt triage methods as necessary despite national standards to suit the specific scenario.

Managing Moving Casualties

Efficiently manage casualties who can walk to clear the scene:

  • Direct walking casualties away promptly to focus on higher-priority patients.
  • Corral and treat mobile casualties to streamline operations.