Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 3

100 videos, 6 hours and 37 minutes

Course Content

Table top exercise - Arrival Part 1

Video 84 of 100
14 min 28 sec
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Tabletop Exercise: Quarry Incident Response Plan

Scenario Overview

The tabletop exercise revolves around a simulated incident at a quarry involving a landslide. The focus will be on initial response actions and the first part of the CS CAT acronym: Command, Safety, Assessment, and Communications.

Incident Description

The scenario entails a landslide in the quarry, where a section has collapsed onto a visitor's stand accommodating up to 50 visitors and dignitaries from multiple countries. Additionally, two large earthmovers are precariously positioned on the landslide.

Initial Arrival and Actions

Upon arrival at the quarry gate, responders are provided with a map and aerial photograph of the quarry site:

  • Map and Aerial Photograph: Essential resources for situational awareness and planning.

Key Actions

What are the critical first actions that responders need to undertake?

  1. Communicate with Health and Safety Manager: Obtain critical information and guidance from the on-site manager.
  2. Establish Continuity: Ensure consistent communication and leadership from the quarry company's designated lead.

It's crucial to maintain these key links to prevent information loss and maintain operational efficiency throughout the response.

Additional Communication Considerations

Are there any other individuals or stakeholders that responders should engage with initially?