Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 3

100 videos, 6 hours and 37 minutes

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How do we triage correctly

Video 14 of 100
3 min 52 sec
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Importance of Correct Triage Process in Healthcare

Understanding Triage and Its Purpose

Mark explains the fundamental aspects of triage:

  • Initial Assessment: Triage ensures patients are swiftly placed on the appropriate treatment pathway for quick intervention and definitive care.
  • National Early Warning Score (NEWS): Vital signs are input into the system to compute a NEWS score, indicating the severity of a patient's condition based on various metrics like blood pressure, pulse, and oxygen saturation.
  • Pathway Adherence: Following established pathways is crucial, but flexibility may be needed based on patient assessment.

Flexibility in Triage and Pathway Adherence

Mark discusses the balance between following protocol and clinical judgment:

  • Deviation from Protocol: Sometimes clinical judgment may necessitate deviation from the standard pathway, prioritizing patient needs over protocol adherence.
  • Safeguards and Documentation: Use of system alerts and narrative notes ensures concerns are flagged for priority care and documented appropriately.

Consulting and Collaborating for Safe Decisions

Exploring additional options for handling complex cases:

  • System Alerts: Utilize the triage system's alert feature (e.g., stethoscope icon) to notify doctors and nurses of urgent cases.
  • Narrative Documentation: Detailed free-text notes provide a comprehensive overview of prioritized findings.
  • Consulting Peers: Engage with healthcare professionals, including doctors and nurses, for second opinions and collaborative decision-making.

Ensuring patient safety and optimal care through informed decisions and collaborative practices remains paramount in triage.