Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 3

100 videos, 6 hours and 37 minutes

Course Content

Table top exercise - Liaising with other services - Part 1

Video 88 of 100
13 min 43 sec
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Tabletop Exercise: Scene Expansion and Interagency Liaison


This tabletop exercise focuses on the expansion of the incident scene, collaboration with other services, and enhancing decision-making processes.

Scenario Progression

Approximately 60 to 90 minutes into the scenario, a substantial number of resources, including additional officers, are expected to have arrived.

Key Considerations

  • Roles for Commanders: Identifying essential roles to support effective scene management.
  • Site Knowledge: Understanding the capabilities and assets available on-site.
  • Interagency Collaboration: Liaising with other services to coordinate response efforts.
  • Situation Assessment: Gathering frontline intelligence on casualties and injuries.

This exercise underscores the importance of preparedness and strategic planning in handling complex incidents.