Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 3

100 videos, 6 hours and 37 minutes

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Table top exercise - Liaising with other services - Part 2

Video 89 of 100
7 min 49 sec
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Action Cards for Emergency Response: Ambulance Loading Officer

Introduction to Action Cards

Action cards, also known as crib sheets, provide clear instructions for specific roles during emergencies.

Role of the Ambulance Loading Officer

Let's explore the responsibilities outlined in Action Card 12 for the ambulance loading officer:

  • Reporting Arrival: All staff must report to the RCC (Rapid Coordination Centre) via radio, telephone, and in-person at the ambulance loading point.
  • Personal Safety: Wear high visibility jacket marked 'loading' and helmet, and commence personal log.
  • Operational Setup: Switch ARP terminal to major incident mode and establish a safe loading point considering vehicle movements.
  • Police Coordination: Seek police assistance if necessary for managing traffic and access.
  • Logistical Coordination: Liaise with ambulance parking officer to ensure constant supply of vehicles to casualty clearing station.
  • Patient Management: Initiate patient documentation and ensure triage tags include basic demographic information.
  • Equipment Supply: Coordinate additional equipment for the casualty clearing station as required.
  • Hospital Notification: Alert receiving hospitals about incoming casualties.
  • Interoperability: Maintain communication using multi-agency interoperability channels.
  • Debriefing and Reporting: Provide a detailed report and attend debriefings as instructed.

These structured steps ensure clarity and efficiency in managing ambulance loading operations during a major incident.

Conclusion: Action cards are designed to simplify roles, ensuring tasks are performed systematically and effectively, enhancing overall emergency response performance through thorough preparation.