Expect the unexpected
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Planning for the Unexpected in Emergency Response
Understanding the Challenge of the Unexpected
Anticipating unforeseen challenges in emergency situations:
- Nature of Emergency Responses: Despite extensive experience, unexpected factors often arise on scene.
- Reliability of Information: Initial information from control rooms or patients may be inaccurate.
- Hidden Risks in Major Incidents: On-site hazards and storage issues can pose unexpected dangers.
Adapting to Changing Circumstances
Key strategies for handling unexpected developments:
- Flexible Planning Approach: Maintain an open mind and readiness to adjust plans as new information unfolds.
- Joint Decision-Making Model: Continuously assess and integrate new information to refine operational plans.
- Review and Modify: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of issued instructions and adapt as necessary.
Collaborative Decision-Making
Utilizing collective expertise for informed decision-making:
- Team Collaboration: Engage with commanders from various services to gather and verify critical information.
- Specialist Input: Consult with relevant experts, such as fire services for chemical risks, to enhance accuracy and safety assessments.
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