What is defined as a major incident
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Understanding Major Incidents: Definitions and Implications
Definition of a Major Incident
A clear definition and its implications across different sectors:
- Health Sector Definition: Defined by the Emergency Preparedness Resilience package as an incident requiring special procedures due to the number, severity, or location of casualties.
- Varying Interpretations: What constitutes a major incident can differ between emergency services and organisations.
Implications Across Emergency Services
Considerations based on available resources and operational impact:
- Resource Limitations: Limited resources may necessitate special procedures, defining an incident as major for a particular service.
- Service-Specific Criteria: Not all incidents meeting one service's criteria qualify as major for others like ambulance, health, fire, or police services.
Corporate Perspectives
How major incidents are perceived in corporate settings:
- Organisational Impact: Extends beyond casualty numbers to include effects on reputation, customer base, and financial stability.
- Example: A theme park incident, such as a roller coaster crash, affecting reputation and triggering legal implications, despite low casualty numbers.
Understanding the definition and implications of major incidents helps in effective response coordination and resource management across different sectors and organisations.
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