Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 2

80 videos, 4 hours and 32 minutes

Course Content

Leaving the scene

Video 79 of 80
3 min 1 sec
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Post-Incident Procedures for Commanders

Completing Your Responsibilities

Key tasks for commanders and subordinate commanders post-incident:

  • Complete Logbook: Ensure all entries are finished and accurate.
  • Report to Commander: Provide a detailed report confirming control handover and scene departure.
  • Contemporaneous Notes: Within 24 hours, review and expand logbook entries to clarify details for future inquiries.

Expanding Contemporaneous Notes

Guidelines for expanding notes to provide clarity:

  • Example: Original note: "First hour was appalling..." Expanded note: "First hour was challenging due to rapid scene dynamics, making situational assessment difficult."

Debriefing Procedures

Importance of debriefing sessions:

  • Hot Debrief: Ideally conducted before leaving the scene to discuss what went well and areas for improvement.
  • Internal Service Debrief: Include all personnel, including control room operators, to gather insights.
  • Joint Service Debrief: Consider holding within 14 days to address inter-agency coordination and challenges.
  • Focus: Emphasise constructive discussion of friction points rather than airing internal issues publicly.

These procedures ensure thorough documentation and reflection, preparing teams for potential inquiries and improving future response coordination.