Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 2

80 videos, 4 hours and 32 minutes

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Arriving at scene

Video 7 of 80
1 min 50 sec
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Managing Initial Response in Emergency Situations

Arrival at the Scene: First Ambulance Perspective

As the first ambulance arrives at the scene, the focus is on gathering critical information and maintaining composure amidst the chaotic environment.

Receiving Initial Information

Upon arrival at the main reception point, typically the security gatehouse, initial details are gathered regarding the suspected major incident. **Clear communication** with the gatehouse staff is crucial as they provide the first point of contact.

Importance of Effective Communication

Despite the adrenaline rush and chaotic surroundings, it's essential to **remain calm and focused**. Prompt and accurate reporting back to the control room ensures the right support can be dispatched promptly.

Utilising the METHANE Protocol

The **METHANE protocol** is employed to systematically relay vital information to the control room. This structured approach helps control room personnel assess the severity of the situation and determine necessary **resource allocation**, including potential multi-agency responses or air ambulance support.

Maintaining Control and Communication

During the initial response, it's critical to **avoid becoming directly involved** in the chaotic scene. **Continuous communication** with control ensures that accurate updates are provided without getting distracted or overwhelmed.

Effective communication and adherence to protocols are fundamental in managing emergency situations.