Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 2

80 videos, 4 hours and 32 minutes

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The goal of triage

Video 12 of 80
1 min 31 sec
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Understanding Triage and Patient Pathways in NHS

Purpose of Triage

Mark and Shawn discuss the fundamental aspects of triage:

  • Definition of Triage: Derived from French, meaning 'to sort', it involves assessing and prioritising patients based on severity.
  • Sorting Severity: Determines how quickly patients need to be seen and directs them to appropriate care pathways.

Understanding Patient Pathways

Mark explains the concept of pathways within the NHS:

  • Definition of Pathway: Refers to the journey a patient takes through healthcare services based on their condition and needs.
  • A&E Pathway Example: Patients proceed from triage to appropriate areas like minor injury units, doctor consultations, investigations, and discharge or admission.
  • Pathway Flexibility: Tailored to the severity and nature of the illness or injury assessed during triage.

Ensuring Patient Well-being and Completion of Treatment

Shawn highlights the objective of initiating and completing patient care journeys:

  • Starting the Journey: Begins with baseline observations and triage assessment.
  • Completing the Journey: Aims for patients to leave hospital treated and fit, or admitted for further definitive care.

Understanding these processes ensures efficient and effective patient management within NHS emergency departments.