Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 2

80 videos, 4 hours and 32 minutes

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Video 13 of 80
3 min 26 sec
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Triage Process: Handling Patients with Ankle Injury and Urinary Symptoms

Introduction to Triage Assessment

Mark and Shawn discuss how to triage patients presenting with different conditions:

  • Ankle Injury Scenario: Patient reports non-weight bearing and severe pain.
  • Urinary Symptoms Scenario: Patient complains of pain while passing urine.

Handling an Ankle Injury

Shawn explains the process of triaging a patient with an ankle injury:

  • Selecting Categories: Choose 'Trauma, Musculoskeletal' and specify 'Ankle' under presenting complaint.
  • Pain Assessment: Patient reports pain as 10 out of 10, indicating 'Significant Pain'.
  • Triage Category: Categorize as 'Very Urgent' for immediate assessment and possible IV analgesia.
  • Pathway Selection: Direct patient to majors area for treatment.

Managing Urinary Symptoms

Discussing the triage approach for patients with urinary issues:

  • Selecting Categories: Choose 'Triage, Illness' and specify 'Genitourinary Symptoms'.
  • Pain Assessment: Patient reports pain as 4 out of 10, categorizing as 'Urgent'.
  • Triage Category: Determine urgency based on symptoms like difficulty passing urine.
  • Pathway Selection: Determine appropriate treatment area based on triage assessment.

Understanding these steps ensures accurate triage categorization and timely patient care.