Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 2

80 videos, 4 hours and 32 minutes

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Updating METHANE

Video 72 of 80
9 min 25 sec
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Incident Management Update and Control Room Operations

Overview of Current Incident Situation

Reviewing the latest update and ongoing operations at the incident site:

Key Incident Details

  • Declared: Major incident at 12:30 hours.
  • Location: Kevin Quarry, Ramshorn, Elliston Road.
  • What3words: Holds, dried, siesta.
  • Type: Landslide.
  • Hazards: Unstable ground, petrol, oil, lubricants, potential further landslides, adverse weather.
  • Access: Elliston Road.
  • What3words: Motor, latitude, blur wreck.
  • Casualties: 20 confirmed (10 P3, 5 P2, 5 P1) and 30 unaccounted for.
  • Emergency Services: Police, Fire, Ambulance.
  • Rescue Operations: Commenced at 13:30 hours with specialised technical services.
  • Casualty Clearing Station: Established.
  • Next Steps (JESIP): Scheduled for 15:30 hours.

Importance of Documentation and Communication

Insights into the significance of documenting updates and maintaining effective communication:

Documentation and Log Keeping

  • Reasons for Documentation: Ensures accuracy and provides a record for reference.
  • Full Disclosure: All information should be communicated fully, especially for new responders.

Control Room Operations

Handling Updates: How the Control Room processes and utilises updated information:

  • Response Evaluation: Assessing resource deployment and operational adjustments based on updated details.
  • Continuous Coordination: Ensuring ongoing communication between incident command and the Control Room.
  • Shift Management: Rotating personnel to maintain continuity and efficiency.

Resource Coordination and Hospital Liaison

Resource Allocation: Coordination efforts and considerations for hospital preparedness:

  • Resource Allocation: Allocating appropriate resources based on casualty severity and transportation needs.
  • Hospital Preparedness: Liaising with hospitals to ensure readiness for incoming casualties.

Effective incident management involves a collaborative effort between on-site responders, the Control Room, and healthcare facilities to ensure a coordinated response to the ongoing incident.