Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 2

80 videos, 4 hours and 32 minutes

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The correct METHANE report

Video 57 of 80
2 min 43 sec
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Effective Methane Reporting in Emergency Situations

Importance of Accurate Methane Reporting

Learn how crucial it is to provide precise information during emergencies to ensure effective response coordination.

Using a Methane Card for Comprehensive Reporting

Discover the role of a methane card in guiding incident commanders to deliver thorough reports even under pressure:

  • Structured Reporting: A methane card acts as a scripted guide to cover all critical details methodically.
  • Pressure Management: Facilitates clear communication amidst chaotic and high-pressure situations.

Demonstration of Proper Methane Reporting

Watch as Justin demonstrates a complete methane report using a methane card:

"Whiskey Romeo, this is Echo Papa two, methane message, over."

Upon acknowledgment, the methane report proceeds:

"Whiskey Romeo, methane message. Major incident declared. Exact location using What3Words: Tiger, cat, dog. Type of incident: Quarry landslide with multiple casualties. Hazards present include gas, smoke, and debris. Potential hazards: Risk of further slide and flooding. Access from the south entrance. What3Words location: Bear, fox, badger. Egress not yet known. Estimated number of casualties: 50+. Required emergency services include Hazards Area Response Team, Helimed, make officers, figure 10. Double crewed ambulances, figure 50. Further require fire, technical rescue, and police, over."

Benefits of Clear and Accurate Methane Reporting

  • Enhanced Response Coordination: Control room receives precise information to initiate the major incident plan promptly.
  • Effective Communication: Avoids confusion and ensures all necessary resources are deployed efficiently.

This method ensures:

  • Slow, Concise Delivery: Information is delivered clearly and without unnecessary details.
  • Precision: Ensures accuracy in reporting critical details essential for decision-making.