Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 2

80 videos, 4 hours and 32 minutes

Course Content

Site planning

Video 70 of 80
8 min 12 sec
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Effective Site Planning for Emergency Response

Understanding Site Preparedness

Effective site planning is crucial to enhance emergency response capabilities:

Proactive Approach vs Reactive Approach

Key Strategy: Rather than reactive measures post-incident, proactive planning anticipates potential risks and prepares accordingly.

Ensuring accurate site information, risk assessment, and logistical details like access points and parking areas are critical.

Integration with Emergency Services

Collaboration: Upon emergency services' arrival, seamless integration with site managers ensures efficient response:

  • Provide accurate information promptly.
  • Identify and utilise on-site resources effectively, such as designated first aid teams.
  • Consider establishing internal rescue teams to mitigate initial impact.

Preparing for Emergency Calls

Communication Protocols: Ensuring clarity and conciseness in initial emergency calls aids swift response:

Practice and refine emergency protocols regularly to streamline processes during critical incidents.

Managing Resource Mobilisation

Logistical Challenges: Anticipate and plan for large-scale resource mobilisation:

  • Accurate location and access details are crucial to prevent logistical challenges such as traffic congestion.
  • Coordinate multiple emergency services efficiently to avoid delays and ensure swift response.

Effective site planning not only facilitates immediate response but also minimises chaos during the critical early stages of an incident.