Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 2

80 videos, 4 hours and 32 minutes

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Documentation and triage

Video 20 of 80
2 min 17 sec
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Importance of Documentation in Triage Process: Procedures and Security

Overview of Documentation in Triage

Explaining the significance and types of documentation used in the triage process:

  • Digital Documentation: At our hospital, all triage records, including vital signs, are digitally recorded and stored in the patient's electronic health record for their lifetime.
  • Variations Across Hospitals: Practices vary; some hospitals use fully digital systems integrated with IT, while others rely on handwritten records for the patient care journey.
  • Special Cases: For mental health patients, specific pro forma documentation is used to record details like their condition and appearance, ensuring continuity of care and safety.

Security and Confidentiality

Addressing the importance of securing confidential patient information:

  • Confidentiality Measures: All documentation is confidential and should be securely stored to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Practical Security Practices: It's essential to lock screens and secure computers when not in use to safeguard patient data from breaches.

Adhering to these documentation practices ensures accuracy, security, and confidentiality in patient care at all times.