Triage labels
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Labeling and Handover in Triage: Essential Steps
Importance of Patient Labeling
After completing the primary triage algorithm, the next critical step is to label the patient accordingly:
- Clarity and Identification: Ensure all responders know the patient's triage category.
- Uniform Triage System: All UK ambulance services use a standard folding card for patient categorization.
- Proper Folding: Fold the card so the patient's priority is visible on the front, with handover details at the rear.
- Envelope Placement: Insert the folded card back into its envelope for protection.
Ensuring Visibility
The patient's label should be securely attached where it's highly visible:
- Facilitating Continuity: Other responders may continue treatment and prepare for evacuation based on the label.
- Role in Major Incidents: Unlike routine cases where you manage the entire patient journey, in major incidents, your role may be limited to initial triage and labeling.
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