Major Incident Planning and Support (MIP+S) Level 2

80 videos, 4 hours and 32 minutes

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Dealing with the media

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5 min 13 sec
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Handling Media Inquiries in Emergency Situations

Preparing for Media Engagement

Effective preparation for media inquiries is crucial for organisations involved in emergency situations.

Importance of Media Training

Key considerations:

  • Training Personnel: Educate your team on engaging with the press promptly and effectively.
  • Modern Approach: Avoid outdated responses like "no comment"; opt for unified press statements with other involved parties.

Case Examples

Learn from successful strategies:

  • Cluthrow Helicopter Crash: Collaboration among emergency services demonstrated effective media handling.
  • Alton Towers Smiler Crash: Involvement of park management alongside emergency services showcased coordinated response.

ABC Approach to Media Communication

Follow these steps:

  • Answer: Address questions directly.
  • Bridge: Redirect to key messages.
  • Communicate: Convey essential organisational messages.

Prepared Statements

Create generic press statements:

  • Example Statement: Include introduction, incident overview, collaboration with partners, condolences to victims' families, and public appeal (e.g., blood donation).

Handling Press Queries

Manage inquiries effectively:

  • Selective Responses: Respond only to relevant questions pertaining to your organisation or services.
  • Joint Statements: Coordinate responses with other agencies to avoid overlapping information.
  • Pre-Interview Preparation: Anticipate initial questions by briefing with press beforehand to streamline communications.

Exiting Interviews Gracefully

Use an exit strategy:

  • Delegate: Signal readiness to depart subtly to a subordinate.
  • Polite Termination: Politely excuse yourself citing ongoing responsibilities and commit to a follow-up time.

Effective media management ensures clear, controlled messaging during critical incidents.