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Recording Triage Encounters and Documentation Guidelines
Importance of Recording Telephone Triage
When conducting triage over the phone, it's crucial to understand the implications of recording conversations:
- Benefit of Recording: Recorded conversations serve as valuable support in case your notes or decisions are questioned.
- Documentation Equivalence: Notes from telephone triage should mirror those from face-to-face encounters, documenting comprehensive and relevant information.
Safeguarding and Ethical Considerations
It's essential to handle sensitive information and ethical concerns appropriately:
- Child Protection: Any indication of child endangerment must be documented and reported through your organisation's incident reporting system, potentially involving the police during out-of-hours periods.
- Vulnerable Adults: Incidents involving vulnerable adults should be reported to local safeguarding boards to ensure their protection.
- Ethical Practices with Palliative Patients: For patients in palliative care, gather comprehensive information including do-not-attempt-CPR plans, ReSPECT paperwork, and advanced care plans. Discuss these details with the family to inform decision-making processes.
By adhering to these guidelines, you ensure thorough documentation and ethical practice in telephone triage scenarios.
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