Active listening
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Effective Telephone Triage Techniques
Handling Information in Telephone Triage
Addressing the challenges of gathering information over the phone in triage:
- Listening Skills: Given the absence of visual cues, active listening becomes crucial in telephone triage.
- Involving Third Parties: Sometimes involving a third party with patient consent can provide valuable insights, especially if the patient is unable to communicate effectively.
- Language Barriers: Overcoming language barriers by seeking assistance from interpreters ensures clear communication.
It's essential to allow the caller to express their concerns fully without interruption to gather accurate information for informed decision-making.
Techniques for Active Listening
Strategies to ensure effective communication during telephone triage:
- Reassurance: Provide reassurance and empathy to help the caller feel heard and understood.
- Summarization: Summarize the information received to clarify and confirm understanding.
- Confirmation of Understanding: Ensure the caller understands the plan and is comfortable with it before concluding the call.
These techniques enhance the quality of communication in telephone triage, facilitating accurate assessment and appropriate patient management.
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