Establishing patient presentations
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Establishing Patient Complaints: Tips and Strategies in Triage
Understanding the Patient's Complaint
Exploring effective methods to uncover and understand the patient's narrative:
- Key Information Gathering: Start by learning what happened, when it occurred, and its severity. Assess injuries directly if visible under bandages or plasters to check for bleeding, infection, or deformity.
- Non-Verbal Communication: Recognise the significance of non-verbal cues, especially helpful when language barriers exist. Encourage patients to point to areas of discomfort or use tools like Language Line for interpreters.
Challenges with Dementia Patients
Addressing specific challenges and solutions when dealing with dementia patients:
- Importance of Accompanying Carers: Patients with dementia benefit greatly when accompanied by a family member or carer who understands their condition.
- Role of the Carer: Carers often act as interpreters, providing valuable insights into the patient's needs and aiding in effective communication and care decisions.
Utilising these strategies ensures thorough understanding and effective communication in triage settings, enhancing patient care and satisfaction.
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